IndexedArray’s documentation


This library provides a generic fixed-size container, that is a drop-in replacement for std::array, that uses custom indexes. It allows writing code like the following:

Sample usage
enum class Foo { Bar1 = 4, Bar2, Bar3 };
// ...
indexed_array<string, Foo> foo; // foo.size() == 3
foo[Foo::Bar2] = "an example string"; // modify the second element of foo

Multi-dimensional indexers are supported as well, you can write something like

Multidimensional sample
indexed_array<string, Foo, Foo> foo; // foo.size() == 9, Foo::Bar2) = "an example string"; // modify the “central” element
// If compiling in c++23 mode:
foo[Foo::Bar2, Foo::Bar2] = "an example string";

Table of content


The library has the following requirements:

  • A C++17 capable compiler (C++20 is required for some features)

  • boost::mp11

Optional, but strongly recommended, is one of the following:

  • boost::describe

  • magic_enum

  • wise_enum

Indices and tables