Comparison with other approaches

indexed_array solves a common problem, for which solutions already exists. They, however, all have their different trade-offs, which lead me to the writing of this library.

Using std c++20 range library (views)

C++20 views are an elegant solution to the problem of indexing using arbitrary indexes. However, they are not containers per-se: they don’t own the data. As such, they do not guarantee anything about the data, such as contiguity or elements storage order, which can make a difference in some scenarios.

The good news is that indexed_array, like any container, can take full benefit of views, which can be used on top of it.

Using std::unordered_map

std::unordered_map provides the same convenience of access as indexed_array. However, it is a dynamically sized container. It does not provide the triviality guarantees, nor does it provides safe initialization. It also requires dynamic allocation. Its size is dynamic, and items are not contiguous. It stores both the “key” and the “value”, whereas indexed_array stores only the value.


boost::multi_index is intended to provide different ways of indexing a data set. This is different from indexed_array which provides a single indexing mechanism. It does not provide triviality guarantees, and is dynamically resizable.



Frozen’s unordered_map offers another way to access elements via custom values. It provides a fixed size, container-like structure. It allows providing a custom hash. It guarantees O(1) access to its elements.

There are a few differences, though:

  • there are no guarantees on the way the element are stored inside the container. In particular, you don’t have any control on the order of the elements.

  • there is no triviality propagation

  • there are no guarantees on the size of the data structure. An unordered_map of 4 pairs of int values takes already more than 150 bytes.

  • being inherently a map, it stores both the keys and the values. This is different from indexed_array, which stores only the values.

  • there is no unchecked access, only the throwing at() function is provided

Feature table comparison

Feature Comparison







Index via arbitrary values

Sparse indexes

Contiguity of elements

Triviality propagation

No heap allocation

Can reside in ro sections / flash memory

No size overhead

Safe initialization


Multidimensional support

Dynamic size

Guaranted O(1) access


Iterate both key/values


Raw access to underlying buffer

Type safe indexes⁴

Minimum C++ version






¹: Access guarantees depends on indexer template parameter. O(1) access is guaranted by the default indexer if the index is a contiguous range of elements (no gaps between the successive values). If that’s not the case, the current implementation use O(n) access. This could be improved to O(log(n)) in a further release, for great values of n.

²: std::unordered_map initialization mechanism will prevent any order fiasco, with the value being associated to the wrong key due to a refactor. However, you don’t have any size check.

³: I think it could theoretically reside in ro section, but for some reasons that does not seem to be the case with the tests i made. I’m leaving it as unsure for now, as it may just be some bad usage.

⁴: Type safe index means that you cannot access the content using a value of a wrong type. While technically, you can’t access an std::array content with anything else than a size_t, this is a too generic type to be considered type safe.

⁵: Iterating through both keys and values is supported via an helper function, for single dimensional arrays only. This helper is, however, not suitable for large size arrays, as it would generate a lot of code.