Indexed_bitset constructors

Default constructors

The following constructors are explicitly defaulted:


Default constructor. All bits are set to zero.

indexed_bitset::indexed_bitset(indexed_bitset<Indexer> const &other)

Copy constructor.

indexed_bitset::indexed_bitset(indexed_bitset<Indexer> &&other)

Move constructor. It is guaranteed to leave other in a valid but unspecified state.

indexed_bitset::indexed_bitset(unsigned long long val)

Construct an indexed bitset whose underlying value is val.


Be careful that custom index is not used here, so building an indexed_bitset<interval<-2, 1>> b with the value 5 is valid, and will result in b[-2] == true && b[0] == true.

indexed_bitset::indexed_bitset(safe_arg<Indexer::value_type, bool>&&... values)

Construct an indexed bitset with the given parameters. Each parameter must contain a single bool, and be a valid safe argument (its index will be checked). See Safe Initialization for details.

indexed_bitset::indexed_bitset(std::bitset<Indexer::size> const &other)

Copy constructor from an std::bitset of the same size. The newly created indexed_bitset has the same underlying value as the given std::bitset, but access to individual elements now follows the Indexer’s scheme.

Copy operators

Copy operators are defaulted, and have the same semantics as std::bitset ones.

constexpr indexed_bitset::operator=(indexed_bitset const&) = default
constexpr indexed_bitset::operator=(indexed_bitset&&) = default