Indexed_array constructors

Default constructors

The following constructors are explicitly defaulted:


Default constructor. May result in the values in the array not being initialized.

indexed_array::indexed_array(indexed_array const &other)
indexed_array::indexed_array(indexed_array &&other)

Move constructor is defaulted as well.

Aggregate-like initialization

Construction from a list of values is using two defined constructors:

template<typename ...Args>
indexed_array::indexed_array(Args&&... args)

Construction with a list of values. Roughly equivalent to aggregate initialization of std::array. All arguments must be convertible to value_type

Safe initialization

template<typename ...Args>
indexed_array::indexed_array(safe_arg<Arg, Value>&&... list)

Construction from a list of safe args. This is equivalent to aggregate initialization, but additional checks are done at compile time:

  • the number of arguments must match with the array size

  • the explicit index of each argument must match the order of the indexer


list – The list of values. They need to be all an implementation of the checked_arg concept, which safe_arg provides.

Construction via copy of an array

constexpr indexed_array::indexed_array(std::array<value_type, Indexer::size> const &content)

Construction from an std::array which has the same size and the same value_type than the indexed_array. The content is copied into the storage of the indexed_array.


content – The content to copy into the indexed array

Copy operators

Copy operators are defaulted, and thus have the same semantic as the ones defined for std::array.

constexpr indexed_array::operator=(indexed_array const&) = default
constexpr indexed_array::operator=(indexed_array&&) = default